Wednesday, February 2, 2011

These are two works I spent hours cutting, it was fun, I loved it and I found something else I can do and appreciate: woodblock relief printing. This Dyptic is titled "Water & Air". I started exploring Utah's southern desert areas last summer 2010, and have never stopped loving it. Since I was small, I have collected rocks, plants, pieces of wood, feathers and I find retreat in these earthly objects, a majestic love, something untouched and non man-made. This piece is my statement about my love for the places I've been and the incredible things that sometimes we just pass on by without a blink of an eye. I like to think that if I take a moment of my time to look around, really look and see the beauty, I feel connected to this planet and everything on it. It gives my life a kind of meaning to learn to appreciate what is right in front of me.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who Am I?

For the meantime, I am Danaë Françoise Davis. Keeping track of who I am starts to become...irrational...irritating...a big red sign that flashes "Vacancy". I'm in a constant state of flux, like a mountain river valley, slowly giving way to the hungry waters eating away at the bottom, carrying away the mountainside to another part of the world.
Within my artwork, I always find new ways to do things. I love experiment with new media. Right now, my work is consistently dwelling in the printing realms of oil based relief inks, dirty hands for days and many pass-throughs on the press. While I haven't yet created anything specific or wonderful or a masterpiece, I have learned what I love about monotypes and monoprints and now trace monoprints and the use of stencils! I have a faint glimmer of hope that I know where this is going. For now, It falls into the state of flux. For me, being in flux means I am not stagnent, and I keep pushing onward, even if the results of the experiment don't work out the way I want it to. I have something in me about to explode, I can I feel it bubble and churn under the surface. I am excited to see what I can do next.